On a beautiful summer day in July the techs at Bee and Jay got a lesson on the Aquavar Submersible Pump Controller. What, you ask is an Aquavar Submersible Pump Controller. Well it is just what it sounds like, a control for your well pump. But, unlike older controls with a large cold water storage tank and inconsistent pressure when multiple outlets are being used, the Aquavar Submersible Pump Controller will maintain constant pressure, allowing for use of multiple outlets without pressure loss, while using a smaller cold water storage tank and protecting your investment down your well.
Category: Commercial

Carmel Water District 6 Gets New Storage Tanks
A few months back CWD #6 water tanks started leaking. Check out Bee and Jay along with Kuck Excavating replacing the tanks. The upgrade will secure the district water storage for the next 50 years.

Our Fleet Keeps Growing
Our Fleet Keeps Growing. Check out Gene and Mike working on Jose’s new truck. Not really sure if that is fair but they look good doing it.
For more pictures check us out at Flicker

Welcome to Bee and Jay on WordPress
Welcome to Bee and Jay Plumbing on WordPress!
This is a place where we intend to share with you some tricks of the trade, post some how-to videos, and keep you informed on the latest and greatest plumbing & heating innovations…..
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